Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Overcoming Jealousy

Jealousy.. the one feeling we've all felt and hate admitting to. Even reading the word creates an icky feeling. It's been the cause of fights, tears, sleepless nights, and even breakups.

As a woman I've felt jealousy of other women throughout my life. The woman who is more beautiful than me, the woman who is richer than me, the woman with "my" ideal man on her arms. We all feel jealousy, from someone's body shape to accomplishments to babies and relationships. 

Somewhere out there is a woman who has something you want but the difference now that I'm older is that I use jealousy as an indicator to what I get to work on. The difference now is that I know that anything anyone else has in life I can have too. I allow myself to feel jealous, I notice where in my body I feel the energy maybe it's in my stomach or in my chest. I acknowledge to myself that I'm feeling it and I ask myself "What are you feeling jealous about?" is it her killer legs? or funny sense of humor? or her confidence or presence? What word would I use to describe what I'm feeling jealous of? I focus on getting as clear as possible about it. 

Once I have clarity on what feature or accomplishment I'm feeling jealous I think of action steps to take so that I can have that in my life. If it's physique, can I hire a trainer, or come up with a fitness plan? If it's confidence or conversation skills, can I take a class or hire a coach? If it's

Therefore I don't need to hate on another woman, I don't need to throw her under the bus, in fact I can celebrate her. I can go to her for coaching on how to achieve those results. I'm tired of seeing women bring  other down and it starts with me. So next time you feel jealousy or envy ask yourself if you've done everything you can to do, be, have what she has? Ask yourself if it's really about her or you? Ask yourself how you can take steps to get there too. As women we need to have each others backs more, and it starts with ourselve

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